Friday, March 13, 2009


Hey I just wanted to recap on what my paper covered. I discussed people of the 1960s who were social reformist. I inculded various riots, movements, festivals, and people who made use out of radical media to create the change they wanted to see. By use of these radical media outlets word got out and changes to the world, espically in the US was made. For example, the Berkley Barb was an undergound newspaper which let the people know of the situations occuring in which the governement was oppressing the people. In addition televsion covered riots which police brutlley beat civilians. All of these media outlets, along with the pepople who made use of them changed the world.

Activism In the White House:

I remebering finding and reading this article yesterday.  I was schocked to hear that Obama has hired activist Van Jones to serve as s special adviser for green jobs, enterprise, and innovation at the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ).  I just got my thinking that activism, especially in the United States has target are government, criticizing the way the some things are carried out the the governmnet; while the government seems to always be attacking activists.  Although it is just one step, since Obama (the government) has hired Van Jones (activist) I feel like this is a small turning point showing the progression and influence that activism has reached! 
One last thing, I saw this article online and had to share it with the class. Not only is John Stewart hilarious but he makes some great points, that directly relate to the flaws with in mass media, and the importance of "investigative journalism" Please check it out , I think everyone will find it interesting and assuming!

First link is article

Second Link is the show, and the show you want is titled

Intro - Brawl Street: Get Ready to Buy Low! And Sell Die

How To Become A Professional Media Activist:

Also, I used some articles in my paper from FAIR (Fairness and Accuracy In Report).  I really enjoyed there site, and especially thought it was funny and interesting that the organization actually has an entire section of there sight on educating everyone with a "FAIR'S MEDIA ACTIVIST KIT", it literally goes step by step of how to detec bias, communicate, etc.  At first I thought there were using this as a joke, but after reading each topic it was loaded interesting stuff.

Hey sorry I forgot more think, here is a link to Banksy's website, that we started to look at in class. For those of you who are not familiar with him or just for a good reference check out his stuff it is really amazing!!
Hey everyone,
I hope all your papers went well. As you know I did my paper on Shepard Fairey and I just wanted to share some extra information about him. The first link I am posting is to Underwire magazine, and it gives a little background on Shepard as well as some really great images of his art work. The second link, is to an article that discusses Shepard venting about copiers of his work. Make sure you check out the comments/blogs fallowing the article. It is really intersting to read about how much conterversy surrounds Shepard and get the full specturm of opniouns form his audeince.

Hey everyone, now that the papers are over, I wanted to give everyone the link to one of the blog's from Seattle Indy Media, that I used in my paper.  I really think that this blog segment really gives you an idea how of diverese alternative media can be.  I really could never imagine a mainstream source going this far.  Check it Out...